Leather, nylon or cotton straps for guitar and ukulele
Gig bags for instruments from the soprano ukulele to the jumbo guitar in various designs
Molded case made of wood or plastic for optimal instrument protection. Protect your investment
Extensive selection of strings for ukuleles and guitars, also for electric guitar and electric bass, saz, mandolin, oud, banjo...
Always stay in the mood! Sensible tuners in various designs
No more leaning your guitar against the wall.
Wall holders or stands for up to five instruments
Tuners - bridges and saddles - belt pins - bushings - care products - humidifiers - potentiometers and more
Capos in various versions for uke, western or classical guitar
opening hours
Tue-Fri 12:00 - 6:00 p.m
Sat 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m