High-quality C soprano recorder made of pearwood, wooden mouthpiece, baroque fingering with double hole, including bag and wiper. Quality from Voggenreiter
34,95.- Euro
Soprano recorder made of sycamore maple, plastic head, baroque fingering with double hole, including bag and wiper, quality from Voggenreiter
26.95.- Euro
Soprano recorder made of sycamore maple, plastic head, German fingering with double hole, including bag and wiper, quality from Voggenreiter
32 keys, range 2.5 octaves, including blowpipe and bag.
Cool fun instrument not just for children!
39.- Euro
THE original metal kazoo!
Vaihingen Markt car park
Vaihinger Markt 21
70563 Stuttgart
Tel 49 711 78247508
opening hoursTue-Fri 12:00 - 6:00 p.m Sat 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m
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